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Interesting experiences

Have you ever done something crazy or maybe been through something there's mind-blowing?

In my almost 16 years I've been through a lot, from slapping a grown man to live in storms on the sea. Much of it I actually only remember peeks of, since it happened most of it while I still was a little girl barely able to do anything on my own.

Nowadays I'm not much of an extreme person and prefer to be inside with my nose down in book. Guess the crazy stuff only happens in our early days, huh peeps? I know ,any people who loves being outside and do every moment a little more speciel by constantly doing something new. My dad is like that when we take on holiday. Most people surrounding me seems like that.

What about you guys? Been through something out f normal? Or maybe you want to do something that crosses your limits like taking a fly with a helicopter or been an interesting place at holiday? In that case why not tell me about it down in the comments? I would love to read xD.

No one says it have to be anything big you guys. It could also be an crazy moment like having the courage t ask your crush out or just watching a scary movie you normally wouldn't ;)

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